Thursday, 30 December 2010
Hey gorgeous, can I spend you a beer?
Should be "can I buy you a beer". "Spending" a beer makes no sense unless you're bartering (and even then it's a stretch). By now I should probably know why Germans make this mistake, but sadly do not. Assuming one of this blog's thousands of readers will inform me. If someone does, I promise to stop lying about the popularity of this blog (although it has moved near the top of Google search results on "Germlish").
Monday, 20 December 2010
Are there any news from the blogosphere?
I recently received a memo asking "Are there any news?", referring to a previous e-mail. This mistake is understandable as "news" is plural. However, in this case, the subject is "any", which is a pronoun that takes the singular form of the verb. "Is there any news?" is proper and the way all native speakers would express this thought.
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
My agenda says I should archive my calendar in the right category.
This post is just about correcting some mispronunciations I hear regularly:
- agenda: the g sounds like the “j” in “jet”, NOT hard like in “get”
- archive: the ch sounds like the “k” in “kit”, NOT like the beginning of “chair”
- calendar: the emphasis is on the first syllable (CAL-en-dar), NOT the second
- category: emphasis falls on first syllable (CAT-e-gor-y), NOT the second.
See my other post on the word “architect”.
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
This blog does not provide good informations
That's because information is a "noncount" noun in English, meaning its plural is never used. I hear and read Germans referring to "informations" or "infos" fairly regularly. It's not at all confusing, but clearly odd.
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
Whatsoever, nevermind...
I don't think Kurt Cobain spoke Germlish, but if he had, it might have changed the lyrics of Smells Like Teen Spirit. I hear Germans often use "whatsoever" when they should use "whatever", something like "We could serve beef or lamb or whatsoever". This sounds odd but isn't especially confusing. In this example, "whatever" would have been correct. Whatsoever is typically used emphatically in phrases such as "I have no doubt whatsoever that "whatever" shouldn't be used that way." or "I speak no Hungarian whatsoever."
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Happy Eastern!
I've heard many Germans add an "n" to the end of the Easter Holiday. "Eastern" is an adjective meaning situated to the east. Not sure where Germans picked up this habit, but have a happy Easter!
Monday, 22 March 2010
A friend of us...
My cellmate (office cohabiter) was just telling me about his weekend. Speaking of his family, he mentioned that he had seen a "friend of us". In this case, one should use the possessive pronoun in English. He should have said "We saw a friend of ours". Other variants:
- friend of mine
- friend of yours
- friend of his
- friend of hers
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