Thursday, 10 April 2008

We'll see us tomorrow...

While this construction seems sensible to many Germans, it is incorrect. I don't claim to know all the nuances of reflexive pronouns, but can tell you the proper way to express this thought is "We'll see each other tomorrow".


Unknown said...

Does "incorrect" mean it does not sound nice or would a teacher classify it as an error in an essay? Anyway, reading Your blogs about Bad Germlish visibly diminishes phrases I`m used to use.

grp said...

It is incorrect grammer, although not too difficult to understand.

grp said...

Make that "grammar".

Unknown said...

I am dating a German man and adore that he asks "can we see us tomorrow evening?" While it may not be grammatically correct, it is relationship positive - not about him seeing me, or me seeing him, but about US seeing each other. My two cents.

mind said...

That is just such a sweet comment :))